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Creating a White Ink Swatch in Illustrator
April 25, 2022 08:30am
Creating artwork in the White_Ink color ensures that we know clearly what you want to print as white ink.
- Create a new color swatch in the Swatches palette.
- Open the Swatches palette (if needed) by clicking Window > Swatches in Adobe Illustrator.
- Click the fly-out menu in the upper right-hand corner of the Swatch Palette and select Add New Swatch.
- For the swatch options, set the following
Swatch name: White_Ink
Color type: Spot Color
Color mode: CMYK
Recommended color build for display: 20c, 0m, 0y, 0k - It's very important that the settings are correct for this color. Double-check against this screenshot:
- For the swatch options, set the following
- Select any artwork you want to print white, and assign the White_Ink color to it.
- Check your artwork against our Guidelines for Best Results with White Ink.
- Save the file as .AI or .PDF
We've also created this video about how to create a white ink spot swatch in Illustrator.
When sending artwork components – as well as assembled, completed dieline files – check that:
- There are no cut or crop lines included.
- All transparencies have been flattened.
- Text and Line Art follows our recommended guidelines.
- All images included are embedded, rather than linked -- To do this in Adobe Illustrator, right-click the element(s) in the Links palette and select "Embed File(s)".
- You are only providing an Exterior or Interior file -- white ink is limited to single-sided orders
- WhiteInk_SwatchOptions.png (106 kB)