Artwork Guidelines
Helpful artwork guidelines and tips!
Setting up artwork for digital printing
April 25, 2022 8:29amThere are a couple of industry-standard recommendations we would make for artwork printing on corrugated materials (Mailers, Shippers, Corrugated Product B...
File Formats - Raster
April 25, 2022 8:26amVector artwork is preferable when possible, but raster images (often photographic artwork) at high resolution work great as well. We recommend that photographi...
Using a Raster Image for White Ink
April 25, 2022 8:31amProviding artwork in the White_Ink color ensures that we know clearly what you want to print as white ink. Ensure that raster artwork meets our quality recomm...
Proof Advisories/Warnings: Resolving Concerns with Your Artwork
April 25, 2022 8:13amOur artists carefully check each order's artwork to ensure that it will print as close to perfect as possible. If we see a potential cause for alarm and you...
2D Box Model Templates - Orientation and Layout Guides
April 25, 2022 8:28amYou can compare your design to one of our handy Box Model templates to ensure that your artwork will be right-side-up when it's printed and assembled. These ar...
Design Typography, Text, and Line Art
April 25, 2022 8:30amVector artwork is preferable when possible, but raster images (often photographic artwork) at high resolution work great as well. We recommend that artwork...