Proof Advisories/Warnings: Resolving Concerns with Your Artwork
April 25, 2022 08:13am
Our artists carefully check each order's artwork to ensure that it will print as close to perfect as possible. If we see a potential cause for alarm and your proof includes an artwork concern, here's a handy guide to help with resolving it.
You always have the option to approve your proof without resolving the advisories and print "as is", if you wish. Packlane cannot offer compensation for poor print quality where artwork is approved with these concerns.
Low Resolution Artwork
To resolve a Low Resolution artwork concern, you may: source a higher resolution copy of the original image, reduce the print size of the image, remove the image, or replace the image with an alternative that is higher quality.
This article includes helpful information about high quality raster images.
Small Text
To resolve Small Text you may: request that we adjust the text to meet our recommended minimums (not always possible, especially with raster artwork), remove the text, or send us new artwork to replace the text.
See this article for information about our recommended minimum sizes for text.
Thin Lines
To resolve Thin Lines you may: request that we adjust the lines to meet our recommended minimums (not always possible, especially with raster artwork), remove the artwork, or send us new artwork to replace the linework.
See this article for information about our recommended minimum weights for linework.
Small Scannable Codes
To resolve concerns with Small Scannable Codes you may: request that we adjust the code(s) to meet our recommended minimums (not always possible), remove the artwork, or send us new artwork to replace the small code(s).
Our article on setting up scannable codes helps explain best practices in depth.
Crossover art on shipper seams
To resolve Crossover Art you may: request that we adjust the artwork to fit on one panel or otherwise avoid the crossover, remove the artwork, or send us new artwork without a crossover.
Due to industry standard variances of up to .125" in any direction in the production process, we do not recommend splitting text or other alignment-sensitive images along the seams of shipping boxes. While we make every effort to ensure that your dimensions and printing line up precisely as you see them in proofing, it is likely that those areas will not align perfectly when the boxes are assembled.
If you’re reviewing artwork on our 3D preview, the seam is shown in the image below for example:
Blurry/Pixelated Images
To resolve Blurry/Pixelated Images you may: source a higher resolution copy of the original image, reduce the print size of the image, remove the image, or replace the image with an alternative that is higher quality.
The blurry artwork advisory can be related to the low resolution artwork advisory. One way this can happen is if your artwork was originally low resolution, then re-sampled to be 300ppi. The best way to check for pixelation/blurry areas within your artwork is by zooming in 300-400% as this gives the best estimate for printing raster images.
An example of re-sampled artwork is linked here (before) and here (after) for reference. The resolution of the image only changes but the quality of the artwork would stay the same.
This article includes helpful information about high quality raster images.
Atypical Orientation
To resolve Atypical Orientation you may: request that we rotate the artwork to the usual orientation or otherwise adjust your artwork.
The atypical orientation artwork advisory will be included if elements within your design do not follow standard reading orientation and would appear upside down when the boxes are assembled (according to the most common ways the box is used).
We recommend reviewing our printable PDF box models linked here so you can print one out, assemble it, and decide if the orientation of the artwork is how you’d like it to be on your order. The 3D preview of your box is also a good way to visualize if this is how you want the artwork to appear on your boxes.
Artwork outside of the copy-safe zone and/or on seal areas
To resolve Artwork Outside of Safe Zones on Eco-Pouches you may: request that we adjust the artwork to fit inside of the safe zones (not always possible), remove the artwork, or send us new artwork that fits within the zones.