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With sustainability becoming the buzzword in many companies and industries, packaging businesses across the U.S. are stepping up to meet new state regulations that push for greener solutions. From California’s strict plastic waste reduction laws to New York’s ban on single-use plastics, many companies are transitioning to going green fast. One of the biggest eco-friendly trends? Biodegradable packaging!

While cardboard and paper packaging have been widely used for quite a long time, biodegradable and compostable packaging is now becoming the favored option among groups looking to meet these legal standards while doing their part for the planet. But how long does this type of packaging take to break down? In this article, we’ll explore the timeline for biodegradable materials and check out some other cool ways to stay green. So, let’s go and see how the industry is responding!


What is Biodegradable Packaging?

Biodegradable packaging is any type of packaging that naturally breaks down over time. Instead of hanging around in landfills for centuries like traditional plastic, biodegradable packaging decomposes with the help of microorganisms, leaving behind no harmful waste.  

Some examples of the materials used to make them include: 

      • Paper and cardboard These are widely used for boxes and containers; these materials are both biodegradable and recyclable. 
      • Cornstarch Often used for packaging peanuts and bags, this plant-based material breaks down quickly. 
      • Mushroom packaging Made from mycelium, it’s a sturdy and compostable option for protective packaging. 
      • Hemp fibers – Durable and biodegradable, hemp fibers are increasingly used for eco-friendly packaging. 

These biodegradable materials are usually processed and made into components for any type of packaging. Of course, these decompose naturally, while non-biodegradable materials take hundreds, if not thousands, of years to break down. That’s a long time for something that may only be used for a few minutes! This is why state governments are passing regulations against single-use plastic! 

Speaking of plastic, did you know there are now biodegradable plastics? Polylactic acid (PLA), made from renewable resources like cornstarch and sugar beet, is one such material that can be made into biodegradable plastic bags. It looks and behaves like regular plastic but is much kinder to the planet because it can decompose in the right conditions. Some packaging items that use this biodegradable plastic material include: 

      • PLA bottles – These biodegradable bottles are often used for beverages and provide a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic bottles. 
      • PLA food containers – Commonly used for takeout or food storage, these containers offer an eco-friendly solution for the food industry. 
      • PLA packaging films – These films decompose more quickly than conventional plastic wraps and are used to wrap products like fresh produce or snacks. 
      • PLA plastic bags These bags are made from plant-based materials like corn starch and are used for shopping, compostable waste bags, or produce bags. 


How Long Do Biodegradable Packaging Decompose?

Biodegradable packaging is a game-changer for eco-conscious people. These packaging materials break down naturally over time, meaning less waste piling up. The best part? The compost can be used for more eco-friendly activities! So, how long do specific biodegradable materials take to break down? 

 How Long Do Biodegradable Packaging Decompose

      • Paper and Cardboard Standard composting takes 2 to 6 weeks, while cardboard usually takes up to 6 months.  
      • Cornstarch Packaging – This breaks down from 2 to 4 months in proper environments. 
      • Mushroom Packaging – 30 to 90 days when composted under ideal conditions​. 
      • Hemp and Fiber Packaging: 6 to 9 months standard; could be quicker in ideal conditions. 
      • Polylactic Acid (PLA) – 3 to 6 months in industrial composting facilities​; 80-100 years on its own. 
        • In comparison, traditional plastic takes 500-1000 years to break down. 

So, what’s the big deal with decomposing? Basically, when biodegradable materials properly decompose, they create compost that’s packed with nutrients for the soil. Farmers love it because it helps boost food production, and it’s also great for tree planting, making the soil healthier for new growth. It’s a win-win for reducing trash and helping Mother Nature! 


What Else Can We Do With Biodegradable Packaging? 

Biodegradable packaging offers more than just a sustainable alternative to traditional materials; it is also a big player within the larger recycling ecosystem. Many biodegradable options, such as paper and cardboard, can be reused and recycled, providing a second life to the packaging that might otherwise end up in landfills. Some biodegradable plastics can be transformed into new materials through recycling, making them a popular choice among eco-conscious consumers. You can easily participate in this cycle by getting crafty and reusing that old packaging for DIY projects. You can also donate these used packaging materials to local recycling centers. 

Also, proper disposal is key to making a real difference when it comes to biodegradable packaging. Some materials need the right conditions to break down, so going the tried and tested waste segregation route and keeping these compostable packaging separate from your regular trash is a must. Sort these goodies out and toss them in the right bins, or if you’re feeling extra motivated, take the biodegradable packaging directly to a composting facility. They’ll turn it into nutrient-rich compost that helps any garden or forest grow! 

Biodegradable packaging is quickly becoming the go-to choice for communities looking to embrace a greener future. These eco-friendly materials are slowly moving many businesses to a more sustainable future, from cardboard and paper boxes to biodegradable plastics. But just using these materials isn’t enough. Reusing and recycling packaging materials, learning how to compost and disposing of packaging appropriately are great actions to push going green forward. 

When more people jump on board and take the proper steps, biodegradable packaging can work its magic and push to revitalize our environment without leaving a trace. So, next time you toss something in the trash, remember — it’s all about doing it correctly! 

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At Packlane, we believe great things come in custom packages, whether they’re small cartons, large printed shipping boxes, or anything in between.
Editorial Team
At Packlane, we believe great things come in custom packages, whether they’re small cartons, large printed shipping boxes, or anything in between.
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